Walk And Talk Outdoor Therapy

Nature Therapy Walk and Talk Counseling

What do nature, movement, and talking about life with a trained professional have in common? They all have the power to be incredibly healing. Put them together and I think you’ve got a winning combo. Walk and talk sessions aren’t for everyone, but they’re a great option for the outdoorsy type, those who have trouble sitting still, and folks who feel more relaxed or at ease side to side with a therapist rather than face to face.

I conduct walk and talk sessions in the neighborhood surrounding my office. Sessions are the standard 50 minutes and are dependent upon the weather/seasons. I ask that those who choose to do walk and talks also be open to in-office sessions if the weather isn’t ideal for a walk.

There are more limits to confidentiality with this modality compared to in-office sessions or online sessions as these sessions will take place in public where we may run into people we know and/or there’s a chance of folks passing by hearing our conversation. There are also added physical risks since we will be utilizing movement outside in the elements. By participating in walk and talk sessions, you are accepting these added risks, but with the knowledge that I will do everything in my power to ensure your safety and health during our sessions.